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As the back-to-school season approaches, it’s essential to consider how your family’s schedule changes may impact your beloved furry friend. After months of summer vacations and more time spent together, dogs can sometimes experience anxiety or behavior issues when left home alone for longer periods. At All Star Grooming, we went to ensure your dog’s well-being and help address behavior issues when home alone. 

Gradual Adjustment

If your dog has been accustomed to having family members around all day during summer break, a sudden change in routine can be stressful. To ease the transition, start gradually increasing your dog’s time alone a few weeks before school starts. This way, they can acclimate to being alone for longer periods without feeling overwhelmed.

Mental and Physical Stimulation

Keep your dog mentally and physically stimulated, even when you’re not at home. Provide interactive toys, puzzle feeders, or treat-dispensing toys that can keep them engaged and entertained while you’re away. Additionally, regular exercise and playtime before leaving can help tire them out, making it easier for them to relax when alone.

Create a Comfortable Space

Designate a safe and comfortable space for your dog when they are home alone. Ensure that the area is well-ventilated, with access to water and toys. Consider using a crate or a pet gate to create a cozy den-like environment that can help them feel secure and prevent them from getting into mischief.

Calming Techniques

Introduce calming techniques to help ease any anxiety your dog may experience when alone. Leaving a piece of clothing with your scent or playing soft, soothing music can have a calming effect. Some pet parents find that using pheromone sprays or diffusers specifically designed for dogs can also be beneficial.

Professional Help

If your dog continues to exhibit behavior issues when left alone, consider seeking help from a professional dog trainer or a veterinary behaviorist. They can provide personalized guidance and training to address separation anxiety and other behavioral challenges.

Doggy Daycare or Pet Sitters

If your dog seems to struggle with extended periods of alone time, consider enrolling them in a doggy daycare program or hiring a pet sitter. Having human companionship or the opportunity to socialize with other dogs can alleviate boredom and separation anxiety.

Be Patient and Consistent

Remember that behavioral changes take time, and consistency is key. Avoid scolding your dog for any destructive behavior that may occur when you’re away, as it may worsen their anxiety. Instead, reinforce positive behaviors and provide a calm, reassuring environment.

At All Star Grooming, we understand the importance of your dog’s well-being and happiness. As you transition back to school and work routines, we encourage you to take these steps to ensure your furry friend feels loved, comfortable, and secure.

Wishing you and your furry companion a smooth and stress-free transition back to school!

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