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It is important to recognize service dogs and the impact they have on different communities. While service dogs are our furry friends, they also have a vital role in the well-being and quality of life for many people. Service dogs are trained to help those with certain disabilities, ailments, and mental health issues. Celebrated every September, National Service Dog Month shines a light on these hard working pups and honors their commitment to help humans. 

Types of Service Dogs 

There are multiple types of service dogs with unique training to better care for those with specific needs. 

Guide Dogs: The most recognized category of service dogs, they assist individuals with blindness or visual impairments. 

Hearing Dogs: With the help of a harness, service dogs help those with hearing impairments by using their auditory skills to help guide them around. 

Psychiatric Service Dogs: These service dogs help those with mental health issues. They provide emotional support and protection when needed. 

Mobility Assistance Dogs: These pups help those with mobility issues or those who are in a wheelchair. They are there for support and make daily life as normal as possible. 

Seizure Response Dog: For those who have epilepsy, these service dogs can help detect seizures and get immediate assistance in case of an emergency. 

Diabetic Alert Dog: These service dogs help their owners detect changes in their blood sugar levels and alerts the individual when the blood sugar is too low. 

Service Dog Training 

In order to become a service dog, a dog must go through training and perform specific tasks tailored to the individual’s needs. These programs typically last for one to two years where dogs learn basic obedience skills, socialization, specific tasks, and public access training. Service dogs also need to learn how to open and close doors, retrieve dropped items, turn lights on and off, and other daily tasks. 

The Benefits of Service Dogs 

Not only do service dogs provide a wide range of help, they also give individuals a companion. Service dogs are known to lower anxiety and increase trust between the dog and person. Many people may feel lonely and isolated due to their condition. Having a service dog can help with emotional and mental support when times get difficult, making this a great option for a wide range of people. 

How You Can Support Service Dogs 

At All Star Grooming, we encourage the community to support service dog programs in any way you can. Celebrating National Service Dog Month is a fun way to support service animals. If you are interested in supporting service dogs, you can donate or volunteer with local programs. If you believe your pup can make a difference in the community, attend training and join organizations to help spread awareness.

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