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Everyone loves when a dog can show off by doing a cute and funny trick. While exhibiting your pup’s skills is fun and exciting, it can also be beneficial to your relationship with your pet. Not only can teaching your dog improve your bond, it can strengthen their obedience skills and support mental stimulation. If you are needing some guidance on how to best teach your dog new tricks, there are steps below that can help make the process easier. 

Choose simple tricks in the beginning 

When you are first training your pet, start with simple tricks that are easily attainable. For example, teaching them how to sit, lay down, and shake hands should be the first, basic tricks that your dog can pick up. Once your dog has mastered these simple tricks, then you can move onto more complicated movements

Break down each trick and use repetition 

Instead of teaching your dog a full motion of one trick right away, practice breaking down and repeating basic motions. For example, if you want to teach your dog to lay down, start with having them sit down. Once they master sitting down, they can then learn to lay down on the ground. Remember, it’s important to be patient with your dog and use positive reinforcement with love and treats.

Practice in short sessions and be consistent with commands 

Shorter training sessions are most effective so that your dog doesn’t lose focus or attention. Keep the lessons to around 5-10 minutes so they won’t get as frustrated or bored. Also, teaching your dog a few times a day will help them retain these tricks faster. 

Dogs aren’t going to learn tricks if your commands and tactics change frequently. Once you have a teaching pattern in place (whether it’s through treats, verbal commands, or hand signals), stay consistent with your commands. Your body language and tone makes an impact on their training, so keep in mind how you are being perceived by your dog. 

Challenges that are common for most pet owners 

There are several challenges that many pet owners face when attempting to teach their pets tricks. First off, pets tend to have shorter attention spans and get distracted easily. Make sure to keep your teaching sessions short and fun so they don’t lose interest. Your pet might be stubborn and get frustrated easily. To help with this behavior, stay patient and don’t take out your anger on your pet. In the end, if you aren’t making any progress with the tricks, try different tactics or take a break. 

The Next Steps

Now that you have read this information, take these steps and try it out with your pet. If you are interested in learning more advanced tricks, there are resources for you in your local community. At All Star Grooming, we encourage you to spend quality time with your dog and strengthen your bond. And when you’re ready to showcase your pup’s new skills to friends, bring them to All Star Grooming for a grooming session—they’ll look their absolute best!

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