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I agree to the following terms and conditions anytime I bring my pet(s) in for any service.

  • As the pet owner, I will inform Allstar Grooming of any and all health issues either prior to my appointment or upon arrival for my appointment.
  • I agree that Allstar Grooming is not responsible for any exacerbation of any pre-existing health conditions, known or unknown to the owner of the pet.
  • I understand that I must discuss any form of sedation of my pet, be it a prescription or an over-the-counter medication, before my appointment. I understand that if I do not discuss sedation prior to my appointment, Allstar Grooming may not accept my pet for services.
  • I understand that I must inform Allstar Grooming before my appointment if my pet has shown any signs of aggression at any time toward people or other animals. I understand that this is for the safety of the staff and my pet. I understand that Allstar Grooming may use a muzzle without notifying me first for the safety of the staff and my pet.
  • I understand that Allstar Grooming and its employees reserve the right to refuse to complete services at any point, for any reason. Allstar Grooming takes into consideration, first and foremost, the safety and comfort of your pet. If any employee feels at any point that the grooming process is a threat to the safety or comfort of your pet (or a threat to employee safety), we reserve the right to stop the groom. Allstar Grooming will charge fees according to the services that were completed.
  • In the event the staff suffers an injury, we reserve the right to obtain proof of all legally required vaccinations.
  • In the event that my pet needs medical attention while at Allstar Grooming, I understand that the staff will make a reasonable attempt to contact me. If I cannot be reached or the circumstance is an emergency that does not allow time for trying to make contact, I understand and agree to allow the staff of Allstar Grooming to seek and obtain veterinary care for my pet at my expense and will not hold Allstar Grooming responsible for a naturally occurring death.
  • If fleas are found on my pet, I understand that there will be an additional charge and flea shampoo and conditioner will be used. If ticks are found, I understand the staff will remove the ticks.
  • If my pet is matted or has mats, I understand that I may be charged additional fees. I also understand that Allstar Grooming is not responsible for any scratches, cuts, nicks, abrasions, bruises, or any other medical condition that occurs as a result of removing matted hair or as a result of my pet’s behavior during the grooming process.
  • I understand that Allstar Grooming is by appointment only, and I will receive a reminder 48 hours prior to my appointment via text. If I need to cancel or reschedule my appointment, I must do so 24 hours prior.
  • I understand that if I fail to provide 24-hour notice for cancellation or rescheduling, or if I do not show up for my appointment, the following policy applies:
    • For the first missed appointment, I will receive a warning.
    • For the second missed appointment, I will be charged half the cost of the grooming service.
    • For the third missed appointment, I will be charged the full cost of the service. I understand that payment must be made immediately to book another appointment or maintain my grooming schedule.”
  • I understand that at the time of drop-off, we will establish a pick-up time, and Allstar Grooming will make every effort to accommodate my schedule. I will be notified as soon as my pet’s grooming is completed.
  • I understand that if I enter the salon before my pet is finished, they may become too excitable to safely complete their grooming. This may result in my pet being returned to me “As-Is” (at full price) if I come to collect them before they are complete.
  • I understand I am not allowed to stay with my pet during grooming.
  • I understand prices are subject to change without notice.
  • Allstar Grooming accepts cash, Visa , Mastercard , Discover, and Apple Pay

Consent Form

Owner's Name(Required)